Akhmim is a city, located on the eastern shore of the Nile, that contains monuments of Banoboles (the ancient Greek city). Akhmim was known for its many churches during the Coptic era.  During the first Arab era, it was the capital of a separate area known, since the Arab Conquest, as Bakorh Akhmim, meaning The Main City, to which many cities are affiliated. The famous Egyptian Sufi, known as Nun, is associated with Akhmim. Nowadays, Akhmim is famous for its sugar and textile industry, and Akhmim is one of the important tourist sites in Egypt.

Two recent discoveries, at the beginning of the 1990s, of ancient monuments dating back to the Phaoronic era have been made. The statue of Merritt Amun, daughter of Ramses II, and his wife were discovered. At the beginning of the 1990s, The Temple of Ramses II was discovered.