Bulack El-Dacrour

Bulack El-Dacrour was one of the ancient villages mentioned in The Bureau’s Laws, under the name of Bulaq. The origin of this name is Belaq, an ancient Egyptian word meaning ‘anchor’. It was known by this name because it was the anchoring settlement in Giza. The name was later deflected to Bulaq. The addition of El-Dacrour to the village’s name dates back to the reign of Fatimid Caliph Al-Mu'ez El-Din-Allah in 975 to 996 AD, when the Caliph came to Bulaq to visit Sheikh Abu Muhammad Yusuf Ibn Abdullah El-Daqrouri. After this visit, and because the residents believed the Sheikh was such a good man, they honoured him by adding his name to the name of the village. It then became famous because of its name of Bulack El-Dacrour.