QallÄ«n city contains many historical monuments that are mentioned in Jabarti’s book, ‘Description of Egypt.’  The most important of these are:

1. The monument commemorating the popular resistance of the people of Shabas Omeir village during the French Campaign, when they forced the French army to withdraw from the village. They killed the leader of the French Campaign.  The second leader of the campaign, General Mino, led a barbaric campaign against the brave people of this village.  He ignited fires in their buildings, and then rapidly withdrew.

2. The Church of the Great Martyr, St. George, in Kafr Yusef Hanna. This church is one of the oldest in the governorate as it is considered the second largest after the Church of The Virgin Mary. It was built in about 1845 AD.

Al-Aref Bi-Allah, who was a highly respected resident of Qallin, played a great role in popularizing the Sufi approach to Islam as a deeply spiritual practice, which is still upheld in the homes of the people of this central district to the present time.