Shebin El-Qanatir city was known, during the Pharaonic era, as Tai–Ta–Hut, meaning ‘Those in the Temple.’ Its current name dates back to the time of King El-Nasser Bin Qalawūn who had barrages built on Abi El-Manga Sea in 736 AH of the Islamic Calendar.  Shebin was located in Nawa central district, and then named Shebin El-Qanatir in 1912 AD.

Among the important monuments found in Shebin El-Qanatir are large ruins modeled on an unusual style. They were constructed as a high wall that surrounded the place and contained a sandy slope covered by a thick layer of stones. They date back to the time of the Hyksos because the funerary tools found there indicate that the dead are not Egyptian. This area is known as Tel El-Yahoudiya (The Jewish Hill). There are other monuments that have not yet been excavated in Shebin El-Qanatir.