
Ebiar’s history dates back to the period before the Islamic conquest of Egypt. Its Coptic name was Byar, which later became Bani Nasr. It was mentioned by Ali Mubarak in his book ‘Al-Khotat Al-Tawfiqiah’ under its current name. He wrote, "It is an old village within Al-Gharbiya administration, having many mosques and castles."

Ebiar contains many treasures of the Pharaonic, Christian and Islamic eras, such as:

El-Emari Mosque, which was constructed during the Islamic conquest of Egypt; Sidi Ahmed El-Bagam Mosque, which dates back to the Ayyubid era; Church of The Virgin, one of the historic churches; Mary Mina Temple, and large Pharaonic Stones.

It was visited by Ibn Battuta, who described it in his writings as, "… old and big, with many mosques. It is very beautiful."  It was also mentioned by the writers Maqrizi and Idrissi.