Itsa is a city with significant natural resources, which include limestone, coarse sand, soft sand and rubble. It also has important investment activities: land reclamation, female cattle-breeding farms, sheep-breeding, rabbit farming, and bee-keeping.

Itsa’s most important crops are cotton, wheat, sweet corn, rice and alfalfa. It is also famous for its cultivation of peanuts, broad beans, watermelons and tomatoes. The Fayoum Sugar Plant at Qasr El-Bacel village is one of the most important factories in processing sugar beet in Egypt. Most of the district’s residents work in this factory.

Important Coptic Christian historical sites in Itsa include the Convent of Archangel Gabriel at Neqlon Mountain, which dates back to the Third Century AD and is known as Abu Khashaba Convent. Caves where the first Christians sought refuge at the time of the Roman suppression of Christianity were discovered in Itsa.