Qaliub is a city that was named at the time of El-Roq El-Nasseri, one of the Mamluk leaders.  At that time the city contained more than 1,700 orchards.  It has a number of old monuments that include:

The Mosque of Al-Zahir Baybars was built in 670-672 AH of the Islamic Calendar.  Baybars was famous as one of the military leaders who achieved a great victory against the Mongols at Ain Jalut.  He died in 676 AH in Damascus. His era was distinguished for the building of numerous architectural masterpieces, including the mosque that bears his name, as well as military installations. The Mosque of Sheikh Awad: Sheikh Awad was appointed as a judge in Qaliub by Sultan Qaitbay, and he took over the task of building this mosque. He was a modest man who had many followers. After his death, El-Shawarbiya had a tomb built for him and was responsible for its care and maintenance.

The Church of the Virgin Mary in Kom Ashvan was so named because the Virgin Mary had passed through Kom Ashvan during her journey in Egypt. Its history dates back to the Christian Middle Ages, and it was modeled on the style of existing old churches. It contains many rare icons.

Qanatir Abu El-Manga was  built by Shahanshah, the minister of the Fatimid Caliph, to help irrigate land in the Nile Delta in 1113 AH. It carries the name of a Jewish engineer called Abu El-Manga and was inaugurated, after the Nile flood, in a great ceremony attended by the Caliphs